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Letters / Environmentally friendly?

Our Scottish fishing communities over the past seven decades have had to suffer various assaults on their ability to survive against government-imposed odds.

We had to suffer the devastation and pollution of our nations valuable fishing grounds during the development of the oil industry in the 1970/80s and then into the 1990s with the decimation of our country’s fishing fleets with a government enforced decommissioning scheme, wiping out a vast number of small family owned fishery businesses all around our coastline; thus making room for a massively increased number of overseas E.U. fishing vessels, apparently gaining unlimited access to our nation’s fishing grounds and fish stocks.

We now see proposals to further pollute our fishing grounds with wind farm developments proposed to be built around our coastline, thus depriving what’s left of our home fishing fleets access to vast areas of some of the best fishing grounds in Europe; that have been worked on by fishing fleets of many nationalities over hundreds of years.

Is the pollution of our nation’s fishing grounds with wind farms truly environmentally friendly, or is there an alternative motive here; resulting from the SNP government’s coalition with the Green Party?

A person with a suspicious mind might conclude that this perhaps, may be a move to try to wipe out what is left of our country’s fishing fleet; as a part of an agenda to save the little fishes in our seas.

William Polson



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