
Letters / Off the ball

Sam Leckie scored an own goal (A political football; SN 25/6/14) when he forgot about goal line technology, which showed the clearance from Brian Nugent (Pensioners deserve better; SN 24/6/14) actually went over the line and was a goal for UK United.

Sam Leckie himself is red carded for accumulated yellow cards for playing the man rather than the ball, a very unprofessional ad hominem foul.

Sam’s knowledge of the tactical game is nonexistent if he expects the UK United team manager to negotiate pre-independence and name his team to the YESNP Cally manager before the final game on 18 September.

In fact it has got to the stage that the UK United team are playing so much Better Together that the YESNP Cally manager has turned afraid and backed out of a pre-match debate with our Darling team manager next month.

UK United’s ability to pass the ball, control the flow of play and predict the outcome for all the players in a future Union team is an extremely positive way to play. It provides certainty, clarity and the knowledge that all the players’ pay packets will be waiting when the final whistle blows and they will be paid in British Pounds.


This is unlike the constant own goals of the off-the-ball fouling, diving and hand of Salmond tactics of YESNP Cally who have no idea if they will be paid on the pitch, in the tunnel or on the coach home, in Euros, pounds, shekels or if at all.

Sam’s crystal ball ability matches his lack of control on the ball as his final whistle prediction is spoilt by completely forgetting about the offside rule while goal poaching. For the offside rule to work UK United’s defenders are way ahead of the game ensuring a win for United and Sam to be constantly offside in no mans land.

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It will be a win for UK United as a win for YESNP Cally would mean that Hampden’s doors would be closed and locked forever and we would all be locked in with no more matches or cup finals ever to be played there again.

Just to show how positive I am Sam, after the match I will swap shirts with you before our Darling manager climbs the stairs to collect our team winner’s medal and we do a lap of honour.

Gordon Harmer
(Team Player, UK United)

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